Syria al-Assad is a typology of monuments and signs that pay homage to the Assad Family (Hafez, Bassel, Bashar) that has ruled Syria since 1971. Photographed between 2007 and 2009 all over Syria, they have probably by now become historic documents. Mostly photographed from a driving car and with the foreground blurred, the impression of impermanence and uncertainty is even more pronounced.
»Thou, who was raised in the house of the glorious leader! Thou, who are higher than the highest!
You, our hope! Faculty of Administration, Directorate of Administrative Affairs.«
Between Idlib and Aleppo, 2009 -
Near Dera’a, 2009. -
»We sacrifice ourselves for you, Bashar.« Between Damascus and As Suwayda, 2009. -
»April, 7th« [1947. Foundation of Baath Party] Madan, 2009. -
»Sorrow saddens us all and joy makes us all happy. With harmonious hearts and armslinked together, our national unity is as strong as steel. City Council of Dayr az-Zawr.« Dayr az-Zawr, 2009. -
»Association of the Construction Industry, branch Dera’a.« Dera’a, 2009. -
»We love you, we sacrifice our soul and blood for you. Agricultural Cooperative Masskanah« East of Aleppo, 2009. -
»A great leader and a glorious nation.« South of Damascus, 2009. -
»The people of Al Qasbi are the shield of the revolution and the lion’s den.A united Arabic nation with a timeless mission.« Madan, 2009. -
»Bassel [al-Assad].« As Suwayda, 2009. -
Jordanian Border at Nasib, 2009. -
»Welcome to Idleb Province. With regards from the Directorate of Technical Services.«»Dentists of Idleb, loyal soldiers of the homeland and the leader.« Near Jisr ash Shughur, 2009. -
Bassel al-Assad. Dera’a, 2009. -
»The leadership of the fighting comrade Hafez al-Assad is the people’s choice, our nationaldecision and [he is] the symbol of our national glory. Faculty of Administration.« Between Idlib and Aleppo, 2009. -
»General Electric Company of Jandar. Forever with you, Bashar al-Assad.« Jandar, south of Homs, 2009. -
»Pirelli. No Power without Control.« Near Homs, 2009. -
»Ministry of Irrigation, General Authority of Water Resources. Company of WaterResources, Homs. [Government] Investment Group Al Mouzeina Dam, Homs.« Near Tall Kalakh, 2009. -
Al Thawrah, 2009. -
Between Damascus and As Suwayda, 2009. -
»Idlib, April, 29th, 1999.« Near Jisr ash Shughur, 2009. -
»Al Mastumah [constipation] welcomes you.« Al Mastumah, south of Idlib, 2009. -
»Sugar Company ‘Al Ghab’. Forever to the faithful Al-Assad.« Near Jisr ash Shughur, 2009 -
»The words of the President Bashar al-Assad: Our Arabic nation is a great nation by itself,through it’s message, it’s heritage and through the abundance of it’s possibilities.« Aleppo, 2009. -
Between Damascus and As Suwayda, 2009. -
»April, 7th [1947. Foundation of Baath Party]. Welcome to Al Thawrah [Revolution] City.« Al Thawrah, 2009. -
»Welcome to the municipality of Al Qasbi.« Halabiyah, 2009. -
»Syrian Oil Company, Boosting Compressor Station at Dayr az-Zawr. Our faithful leader: Bashar al-Assad.« Dayr az-Zawr, 2009. -
»[The Ministry of] Tourism renewing its loyalty for Assad.« Near Tadmor, 2009. -
»Al-Assad forever.« East of Damascus, 2009.